Tuesday, December 6, 2011


9 days and 13 hours until I am home!! Whooo! I really want to be in that lovely frozen wasteland. Also, the to-do list is getting shorter! I love when that happens. Today I finished the process of applying to BYU to take summer classes. It feels good to get that out of the way. I have had a lot of people stress when I have mentioned something about applying to BYU. Apparently I am not allowed to stay there. My bishop pretty much told me he wouldn't sign my ecclesiastical endorsement until I promised that I would be coming back to SVU after my summer in Provo. Super funny. Probably BYU is going to terrify me and I will be more than happy to come running back to my comfort zone of SVU.....all 800 of us. I kinda like this place. Also we had our last activities committee meeting of the semester tonight. After we were done putting away the decorations from the dance, Branden told us that he was taking us all out to dinner tomorrow night as a thank-you. Then he gave us all a hug. I mostly never know how to take that kid, but I won't complain about free food and hugs. It's nice to feel appreciated........................ Wow I just got hard core writer's block. I really have nothing to say tonight (obviously). I feel like there's lots I could say but I just can't..............write it.......type it.........think of it.......know if it's worth talking about...........um yeah I'm struggling. I'm going to be done now and go to bed.

And just because this post isn't random enough already, here is Cassie's random question of the day: Why do trains honk their horn/blow their whistle so much? BV has tracks that run through it and there are always trains on them, and the trains are always super noisy! They just pull their little horn/whistle  the whole time they are driving through. It's extremely loud and unnecessary I feel like. Plus trains are loud enough as it is. Why is this necessary? I don't know. It makes me crazy though.  And now I'm really done.


  1. I am basically in love with your background and your blog. sometimes I just sit here and look at it because I love it so much. Seriously, nice job. And trains blow their whistles so much because they are required to as they come to each intersection or anywhere that has people near because they are not able to come to a stop quickly or even at all sometimes and they have to let people know they are coming. you're welcome.

  2. I love that you love me...and my blog...and answer my questions. Thanks friend.
